Sunday 8 May 2011


Just a quickie today because a. I'm exhausted and b. I've exceeded my monthly bandwidth on photobucket so I'm having to upload my pictures via blogger until I can sort it all out!.

This morning I took part in the Clapham Common 5K series and I'm delighted to say that I ran the whole distance without stopping. I'm not sure of my exact time yet but it's under 35minutes which is what I was hoping for (EDIT - 34.35.6mins woo). It was bloody hard work and my legs and feet killed afterwards (blisters too) but I'm so glad I didn't stop! I've only been running for 2 months now and I'm completely thrilled by how much my fitness has improved. My next race will be 10K in July so I've still got a lot of training to do but this was the perfect practice. If you had told me a few months ago that I'd be a long distance runner by the summer I would have died with shock but I'm really enjoying it now so here's to more (longer) races.

After the race I chilled at home for an hour and then went to get my hair done. My roots were in a dire state and my cut was overgrown. I've had a massive dose of ash toner to give the blonde that grey colour which I love. As for the cut, I've had a fair bit chopped off the right side and the bottom so it's really asymetric. I love to have volume at the top and a sweeping side fringe so I'm super happy with it. Frankie always does an amazing job =)

I had my nails painted in an Aztec print on Tursday at the Flash Paradise event (more on that another day) but they are now sadly chipping.

Also, on Friday I had a job interview at Syngenta in Bracknell and before I had even got home they rang me up offering me the job! Of course I took it and as of May 31st I will be working as an eco toxicologist which I'm super excited about. I'm hoping to move to Reading as it's the nearest 'decent' city to work so I'm on the look out for the perfect 1 bedroom flat. I'm really looking forward to moving out and starting my new job but I'm also scared, however I think that's all part of the process so I'm sure I'll be fine.

How was your weekend x

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  1. What an amazing week Hannah! You must be made up with both the run and the job news. My 10k run is next week, I'm so excited/nervous.

  2. Congratulations on both the job and the race.

    X x

  3. Your hair looks gorgeous that colour!
    Alsom congrats on the job!!
    Katy xo

  4. Congrats on the new job!!
    I also went to the Flash Paradise but in the afternoon!

  5. oeeh nice nails! congrats on the job

  6. Congrats on the job! Both your hair and nails look so cool! It's sad that they are chipping--didn't the girl at the event do such a good job though!? She made it look so easy and, although I'm sure it's not easy, I'm tempted to try this nail designs at home! xoxoxo

  7. Well done on the race sweetie! I lvoe the tone to your hair it looks stunning xxxx

  8. Great news on the race and the job:)

  9. Congratulations! :) What a great week you have had. Send some luck our way! xxxx

  10. congrats on the job!!!! :o) xxx

  11. Wow really well done with the run! & congrats with the new job opportunity :)
    Your hair looks lovely with the silvery toner, I miss my blonde!
    Rachelle xxx

  12. Huge congratulations on finding the job and completing 5k run! I want to start running myself but lack motivation... :(

  13. Your hair looks amazing! The cut and colour suit you very well. Congratulations on getting the job, I hope you find somewhere nice to live :). x

  14. What an amazing week you have had! Congrats on your job, good luck with it! I am sure you will do brilliantly!

  15. how exciting! congrats about the run and the job :) so much going on for you at the moment!

  16. love the hair!
    congrats on the run, you did really amazingly :D
    Rosie xo

  17. Well done on your run :) Love the nails!


  18. Since I suck at almost all things internet. Do you just opload your photos on photbucket and size them for your blog? J/W becuase I really need help with making my photos bigger.
    Congrates on the race! I love running and I love seeing people accomplish running goals

  19. Oh wow, congratulations on the job! I am also baffled by the difference between uploading pictures via blogger or photobucket!!

  20. your nails are crazy cool! also, you pull that hair color off well ;) and you are seriously my idol for being able to run after 2 months... I say this a lot, but it's true, I can't even stand to "jog" in the treadmill for 5 minutes, hahaha! go for it girl!


    PS- thanks for your comment! :)

  21. Well done on doing so well with your running! I don't know if I would ever be able to run a 10k, that's incredible. Right now my goal is 7k I think, but after 6.5 I feel like I need to collapse, haha!


  22. Congrats on the job and the 5k, I really want to start running again really helps clear the mind as well as great exercise! x

  23. congrats on your racing performance. I love to run too. your hair colour is indeed magnificent and unique and so are your nails!! :)

  24. Congratulations! Everything seems to be working out for you this week :D Keeping everything crossed that you find somewhere nice to live :)

    Maria xxx

  25. your nails are beautiful and your hair too! I really love your hair colour as well! Oh and congrats on the job :)

  26. Congrats on the run and your job :) I'm doing the Race For Life run in a few weeks and haven't done any training for it as yet, which I'm sure will come back to bite me x

  27. yay congrats on getting the job! yaaaaaaaay you must feel great!
    cute nails :)


  28. Oh Hannah, what brilliant news about the job! I'd love to hear more about it - the title seems very impressive!

  29. well done hannah! on the running & job achievements! that's ever so good, and can't wait to hear more about it! good for you - that hair is looking gorgeous too, i used to live for ash toner until i went brunette!

    K xo

  30. Congratulations Hannah! I'm very impressed by anyone who can do more than 1/2 mile (which pretty much is my limit).

  31. COngrats on the job and love your nails!

    You have a great blog and I wondering if you want to follow each other

    My Lyfe ; My Story

  32. So much going on for you right now! Congrats on the run and congrats on the job :D Ahh you're moving to Reading, I live near there! Nice area :)


  33. Congratulations Hannah.. You nails looks great...
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