Sunday 5 September 2010

Meet Mooey

If you been following me on twitter (and if not why not) than you will be full aware I adopted my cousin's rabbit Mooey on Thursday. Mooey has been a darling member to my aunti, uncle and cousins for the last 5 years but since everyone has moved away to uni etc she has been rather neglected and lacking essential hugging time. My parents never allowed us to have pets when we were younger, mainly to do with the fact we would go to our house in Ireland for most holidays so it would be difficult getting animal care. However, since we've grown older and I don't go over to Ireland as much due to jobs and uni etc they totally agreed to us looking after Mooey.

So here is the gorgeous little lady...

Dress from River Island

Apologies if you're aren't really a pet person but I love this little bunny so much so I had to include lots of photos for you all to see. My little sister H is making me include the fact that Mooey bit her so that you all know she isn't as cute as she seems! She hasn't bit me yet but she does runaway lots so I think she doesn't like me much anyway. Fortunately our garden is very secure so we can let her hop about all day but at night we have to put her in her little house so the foxes can't get her!!!! She even hops inside the house too =)

Lace top from Topshop

She spends a lot of her time in the herb bush so she smells of mint which is strange but nice. Do you guys have any pets and do they do anything strange or hid in weird places?

I officially finish my masters on Friday, woop x


  1. soooo cute! i want to snuggle up with my hamster now xxx

  2. Awww how cute! I'm literally going "awwwwww" at the screen! I have a dog and she does weird things and has quirky little habits haha!

    Stacey xx

  3. Ooh he's adorable!! My parents never let me have any pets either.

    Congrats on your masters!


  4. awwhh she's so cute! I have a bunny called Oliver he's so lovable, never bitten and loveees licking your feet! x

  5. Oh woww, so cute!
    I used to have 3 bunnies but then this whole love triangle thing happened so we had to rehome them! Was v.traumatic!

  6. Awww, she's so adorable! She must be so much fun to cuddle!

  7. soo cute, I love your camera quality, what camera do you use? can you email back on please


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