Monday 30 August 2010

Leeds Festival 2010

I had such a fantastic time in Leeds this weekend, despite the 6 hour car journey to get there! We got stuck in a ridiculous amount of traffic jams and even drove past a lorry carrying hay on fire... nevertheless the weekend was a total success and I got to spend some time with the boy =)

On Friday evening we went out for some cheap drinks. When a pint in London can cost £3.50+ a £2.50 cider in the Dry Dock was a marvel!! This pub was in an old boat and completely amazing! After a few pints and vodkas we went to the Fab Cafe which is a fantastic retro bar / club complete with Doctor Who and Star Wars memorabilia including an original Darlek!!!

Dress from River Island
Lace top from Tesco
Denim Jacket from Uniqlo
Bag from Urban Outfiters
Bow brooch from Topshop

I did some mighty dancing to Green Day in this place and would definitely recommend it if you like a bit of rock / pop punk / indie music plus £2.50 for a double vodka and lemonade was heaven!!!

Saturday was spent at the Leeds Festival where I got to witness some truly awesome bands! I've been to Reading loads of times before but this was my first trip to Leeds and I definitely think it's nicer, friendlier and generally more awesome than its Southern counterpart!!

Wellies from Primark, Office, Hunter

The weather was wonderful (we didn't really need our wellies) and the line up was brilliant (the reason we chose to buy Saturday tickets, obviously)!!!!

We saw:

The King Blue - awesome political punk band from London

Los Campesinos! - great for dancing too indie band from Cardiff

Limp Bizkit - hilarious, brilliant and totally reminiscent of my early teen days

The Like - incredible indie all girl band from the USA who are the pure essence of cool. They reminded me off a more rock version of the Pipettes

Cyprus Hill - insane in the brain

WEEZER - best band of the day, complete with Teenage Dirtbag cover and a mash up of Kids and Poker Face with a blonde wig. Rivers was hilariously mental and amazing, what a show

Paramore - boring as hell

Blink-182 - not as amazing as I was hoping they would be but still fun and got me dancing like a teenager

Dress from Topshop
Black hoodie from Uniqlo
Floral Raincoat from New Look

All in all the day was wonderful, especially when we got to go back stage after Blink-182 thanks to G and her contacts i.e. Weezer's production manager!!! Big shout out to Nasi for the backstage passes, THANK YOU!!!!!! You must be incredibly jealous but in all honesty we didn't get to meet anyone famous because they had all gone back to their hotels but we did get to snoop around and drink free beer.

My wellies have bows on the side!! I bought a programme and the sticker on the left is my backstage Weezer pass!!! I also got one of those Florence Welch floral headbands from a festival stall.

On Sunday we went to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park on the way home but I'll save that post for another day since I have a lot of photos!

I love festivals but sometimes I can't be bothered with the camping so going for the day was perfect and I would definitely got to Leeds again if the right bands were playing. It's handy having the boy live 20mins away from the festival site so it didn't cost too much to travel etc. I hope you all had a wonderful bank holiday weekend too?

Time to watch some Mad Men in bed x


  1. i heart your wellies and your headband, i got a similar one too!
    im never been to a big festival but am def considering going for a day next year, not sure i could hack camping xxx

  2. This was my first time in 7 years not going to Reading fest, i noticed last year how aggressive people were getting - there was no love anymore its all about image :( The last night last year was so bad with people just being animals that unfortunately I didnt want to go this year. I went to Isle of Wight and the atmosphere was more fun! xx

  3. @Belle - going for the day is fun because you don't have to camp! In my experiences camping at Reading Festival is a nightmare because all people want to do is have a riot and set stuff on fire. Not sure about other festival (except Glasto which is lovely) but Leeds seemed like a nice atmosphere! If you go for the day it's easy to get jealous of the bands on the days you're missing out on!!
    @cowbiscuits - I totally agree!! I went to Reading every year between 2004 and 2008 and by the end I was so sick of all the twats and teenage girls parading around like their on a cat walk! Leeds had a much nicer atmosphere than Reading but it's still full of teeny boppers!!!

  4. Love this! I've never been to Reading or Leeds but it's nice to live vicariously through you instead!

    Corinne xx


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