Tuesday 24 August 2010

Housey legs

Hi, everyone, I'm back! Did you miss me? I missed blogging terribly, including writing and reading other peoples. I'm trying to catch up with posts and commenting but there is an awful lot I missed! Anyway, it sure feels good to not have to worry about work and I'm glad I can finally get back to blogging properly! I only have a viva left on September 10th and then I properly finish my masters and will never have to write an essay again. Unless of course I do a PhD but that's a different story! Now that the stress is over I can stop dressing like a slob. For a few days I managed to look like myself but by Sunday I was a full on trackie bum, baggy tee library slob!

Now that winter is fast approaching I can dig out my beloved tights, knits and deep colours. I love AW because I love dressing up in layers, hats, scarves and woolly clothes. There's nothing nice then get cozy on a cold day with a steaming hot chocolate. I wish it snowed more in London, makes winter even more exciting an gives you the excuse to wear silly hats and matching gloves =)

So, get ready to see my extensive collection of tights. I have a box full of them at the bottom of my bed in many different colours, patterns and styles. First out of the box is a beloved pair of Henry Holland tights complete with houses. I love his collection for Pretty Polly, the colours and styles are so much fun but my only criticism is the fact they tear so easily. I have already torn 3 pairs so replacing them is no cheap job! Since last year I must have spen £100+ on Henry Holland tights which is shocking!!!

Jumper, skirt and bow from Topshop
Tee from H&M
Pumps from River Island
Tights from Henry Holland

I love how the black houses look like they've been drawn on your legs, possibly one of my favourite pairs! I also like the clash of the checked skirt with the stripy tee. Another thing I love about winter is how it seems easier to clash patterns and colours, must be all those chunky knits and snow accessories! Winter = colourful tights too and thus my Gossip Girl obsession grows. FYI series 4 starts on 13th September!!!

You may have noticed my blog appearance looks different, well I changed it by mistake and can't get it back to the original layout! However, I have downloaded a photo editing tool and re-discovered my old photo bucket account so I think my pictures will be much bigger. Bear with me for a few days before I get the layout and everything right because I don't really like it at the minute. Back in the days of myspace I used photo bucket for editing my home page where I knew a lot about html too, not sure what happened cos as I've mentioned before I have no clue about that stuff now but I am slowly learning.

Besides from all the techno rubbish, what are you guys looking forward to wearing this winter?

Just remembered the Great British Bake Off is on tonight x


  1. your tights are fabulous girlie!
    i really like this whole outfit, and i have been ebaying tartan skirts and shorts all day as i really want some for autumn!
    belle xxx

  2. Fab collection but - wow! - £100 on HH?! That's a serious commitment! xx

  3. hi, your tights are cool!!!


  4. these are fantastic...i love tights...so many variations

  5. wow your style is totally unique!

  6. The tights are cute! To be honest, I thought a house print was very weird but they look nice. I have the faux-stocking ones and the alphabet ones (err, somewhere at least) but the stockings ones are full of runs. I kind of like that, though!


  7. I love henry holland tights, but they do rip so easily! I bought the "Wanna Party" ones and wore them on a night out, I've never heard the phrase "Wanna party on my face" before but it certainly put me off wearing them again.

    Fashion Stereotype

  8. the blue bow is super cute! :D

    CLIFF from http://cropcripcrop.blogspot.com/


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